The Bhakti Yoga Center

“Healing your inner child” Part 2/2
with Bhakti Yoga Center Instructors

August 24 (Thursday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

“Inner child” is an important part of our personality and all of us have it. Regardless of age and status, social position or your achievements , regardless of whether you know it or not, we all have little girls and boys living in us , our little selves.

Sincerity , spontaneity, playfulness, creativity are all different traits of your inner child. 

And there is another side to it. Often it’s the grudges , feeling useless,  shame, embarrassment and other negative emotions, and feelings. They also come from our childhood.

We are affected by who raised us, and how they interacted with us and often times it all defines who we are now.

Usually people with happy childhood are successful, self-sufficient, active, communicative, resilient to stress, know how to ask for help and are not embarrassed about it, pursue their dreams and their childhood becomes the source of creative energy and inspiration in anything they do.

And children who had a difficult childhood with cruel treatment from adults or peers,  who had traumatic events , bring this into their adult life in a form of less confidence, anxiety and doubts, difficulties in communication, high stress levels and lack of strong family or healthy relationships. 

The inner child remains wounded, scared and defenseless. That inner child becomes the source of shame, pain, sadness, or fear in life.

In my workshop, we are going to find our inner child, get to know him, comfort and heal him, give necessary love and care, show him how to connect with others safely and confidently, develop creative potential. 

The workshop will be both online and in person


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